Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Whose World is this?

Whose World is this?
Killers! rapists! or the laughing terrorists!!
Those self righteous atheist, who doubts everything that exists!
Or those who are just greedy and take calculated risks,
of their conscience around their own shady mists!

Whom do we go to?
Police! strongman! or the bureaucratic politicians!
Everything that they stand for is a mere aberration!
One keeps crying for help and keeps waiting for solution!
Days, months, years, ages! meets their final salvation!

Where do we go?
To the church! the mosque! or the exuberant temple,
Who have scarcely to offer while pretending ample!
While the inner peace is a hoax like searching soul in a vast jungle.
One only keeps seeking, deemed to finally fall and tumble!

So now whose world is this?
Self believer, doer, or the human being himself!
Who believes in equality and also upholds self interest!
That one must be tactful in this world and still have emotions as his best!
That one must not fear then, as the divine lord is to take care of the rest!!!

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