Monday, November 21, 2011

THE MATRIX...extended

The shiver of the cold aluminium pointers piercing through my black blood, gave me triumphing satisfaction that the next moment is going to be an another era of destroying the matrix. yes! the last breakthrough which I had, in which I was nearly done with this pathetic life.where I discovered the machines have woven nearly an unbreakable algorithm to contain my abilities. The life they gave me in the ultimate matrix, as we call it, was the most fortunate life i could ever have.

She was near me.Kissing me every moment and making me believe that there is nothing called pain and sorrow in life..that life is a beautiful dream, a perfect idea that "the one above all" could ever had.
She had given me two children- Martha and Joe, both were beautiful kids, so innocent that I enjoyed watching into their beautiful eyes for ever.
The dream could have never ended if the machines would not have entered the repetition codes in the ultimate matrix, the only element that human mind has never been able to inculcate. We humans have always been prone to create something new, something which does not mimic our past.. and I have been extraordinary in this feature of human mentality. Thats why they have called me "The one" I perceive!

And thus the dream broke and with that dream broke all my hopes for meeting her. For, in the real world, when I managed to get to the colonies, I saw she was not there. I remembered loosing her to the battle I last fought. The battle for my people, my race..for THEM!

Yes, for them who have been fighting between themselves ever since I died for them. They have forgotten the cruel marks of machines in their lives and have been re-depending on them gradually since then. And there was no Morpheus, not even any recognizable soul left to share my pathetic life with.

All was left of Matrix was some remote hiding stations by machines through which they kept their dying idea of matrix alive. The agents were at the verge of extinction and my dreams of turning into the creator of the Ultimate Matrix was dying with them! I was fed up of being Human, since It carried with it hatred, jealousy, war, terrorism and at the far end the ideas that suggested that all these human illness can be dealt with kindness and empathy.
The group that carried their agenda to purify humanity, led by Aryan, the descendant of a famous Indian american family looked special to me. At the first instant, he saw that now I am not "The One" who once fought for humanity. That I have changed after the war that oracle saw I will fight as a hero for humanity. And I noticed that he was of  no use to my idea of a permanent change that would transform humanity to a state which will eliminate the element of all humiliations from it.    

So, today I embark on this yet another quest. It took me a lot of hard work to provoke everyone that the leftover of machines could be dangerous in future and that they can only be destroyed through matrix. Yet, I could not provoke Aryan. He is watching my every move. But I have to do what I got to do. The humans need a better jurisdiction to live in harmony and I need my love beside me.

So, as the aluminium rod pierced through my black blood, and I could see the fading cautious eyes of Aryan, I was entering into the matrix, where the fate of the human race is going to be a better story to tell!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Has my identity changed?

We are a viewer of the changing culture among the young people of India. We sometimes don't understand why someone adores and inculcates something which is not his and just oversees the intricacies of his own surrounding which could be more exciting and interesting, if he wants it to be so. Why young India is so attracted towards the cultural paradigm and considers it more attractive then the once so developed its own culture?

There lived in me, who bowed his head, with respect and without shame
I bowed today before a man just after knowing his name!

Those words I spoke with firm belief were not just some words
They had the power to move beyond and contain the legacy of swords

My parents were my heart and soul; their wish my testament
their desire to be fulfilled by me; made my life so vibrant.
Now I think my own well since my ambitions are infinite
although my feelings from my previous me just disunite!

The woman I loved had been with me since my previous life
She knew me as I knew her;she had been a true wife
where is she? as I find her, I see many souls
one life has many lives and each life has so many roles!

I introduce myself with the adapted me every time I change my face
though I know the previous one was not at all a disgrace
I search for the real me in the oceans of culture my psyche framed
and in the end I always wonder has my identity changed?

Saturday, September 17, 2011


I grew up in 90's in the evolving Indian culture....I miss those days!

The days I remember are still not the same
there pals used to call me by different names
when I was a kid I didn’t care
everybody was mate, no one would hurt there;

Where I had conquered a world of my own
and managed not to disregard anyone
I danced and sang with with fun everywhere
and would play with self invented gear;

Those trees those leaves with friends of mine
the mango branches where we sat hymning village rhyme
I never lost anyone while way back home
however today I need a mobile phone;

Gone are those days when everything seemed green
enjoying the joy of life was the prominent scene
and now I search that ray of light
that will make me happy and help me out!

Are you really here?

We human are a firm believer of the God, but everyone feels a little lost at times! I wove these lines when I was feeling the same. I don't feel the same way always but still when I sometimes stop by these lines I myself wrote, I feel at a loss of words!

Why does it happen with good people?
When we need you, you never come!
When we are week with no one with might
You prefer to remain out of sight;
And we feel lonely and lost
None must suffer of that sort.

When we become able and strong
And are not able to know why we do wrong
We cheat our loved ones
Break their heart;
Feel your power in our hand
Forget that we are made of clay and sand.

Life is the gamble love is the game
For you seems everything just the same
Be it the walk of sorrow
Or the charms of prosperity
Your presence and knowhow
Seems like ultimate parity

When you are not sure of human existence
You could have shown life a little patience
For at least some better or may be good
if not the best, for that is understood
happy we had been with some of creativity
you would have been a worthy almighty
However  life is pathetic  and dull for sure
With emotional liabilities and diseases to cure
Still we ponder and every time we show
You are present somewhere we don’t know
And you take the advantage of our anxiety
And still feel that you are the almighty!